Abstraction Resources

Case studies and other abstraction tools are offered to enhance understanding and consistent application of program variables and definitions to the data collection process. Training and education for changes in Workstation functionality, Program variables and definitions, special projects and any other Program content changes and updates are provided on an annual and ad hoc basis with multiple offerings to accommodate SCQR availability (e.g. webinars, online learning modules, meeting breakout sessions, SCQR-only training days, conference calls, etc.).

MSQC Program Manuals

Please login to Workstation & Reports to access the Program Manual

Abstraction Tools & Resources

Follow-up, Pain & Opioid Use Resources

MSQC Forum

The MSQC Forum is an email-based discussion group intended for SCQRs to discuss and exchange ideas, experiences, opinions and questions related to MSQC’s mission, including, but not limited to, quality improvement initiatives, best practice, and general operational issues.

All SCQRs will be added to the MSQC Forum automatically. Forum membership is limited to SCQRs and MSQC’s Coordinating Center staff only.

The MSQC Forum works just like regular email. Use your regular email service provider to send, receive, read and reply to MSQC Forum messages.

To send a message to the MSQC Forum, simply use the email address msqcdiscussionlist@lyris.dundee.net in your email’s “To:” field. When you send a message to this email address, it will be automatically sent to all members.

For more information, posting policies and restrictions, please click here.