Resources for Smokers:
Tips from former smokers: https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/index.html
American Lung Association – Freedom from Smoking. Athough the first steps can be hard, finding your path to a smokefree life is easier with the right help. The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking program is a proven way to quit smoking—and stay quit—even if you’ve tried before and went back to smoking. https://www.freedomfromsmoking.org/
Quit Assist compiled hundreds of programs, telephone quitlines, websites, apps, and other tools available to help you quit and stay tobacco-free. Many resources are free or low-cost. Within this link is a list to help you get started.
5 Keys for Quitting https://www.quitassist.com/5-keys-for-quitting.htm?src=helpful-resources
Brian H., a story from a former smoker https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/stories/brian-heart.html
Resources for Smokers and Health Care Professionals:
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services: How to Quit Tobacco https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/keep-mi-healthy/chronicdiseases/tobacco/how-to-quit-tobacco
Healthy Behavior Optimization for MICHIGAN (HBOM) has curated a selection of state and national tobacco cessation resources. Click on an individual resource within the link below to find more information on what they offer and how to access services. https://hbomich-resource-dashboard.netlify.app/
CDC Tobacco Free Twitter @CDCTobaccoFree https://twitter.com/CDCTobaccoFree?s_cid=OSH_tips_D9399
Resources for Health Care Professionals:
HBOM Tobacco Cessation Provider Resource Box https://www.hbomich.org/inside-the-box/
Prehabilitation, Strong for Surgery, and Rethinking Clinical Care Models during the Pandemic – Thomas K. Varghese Jr. MD, MS June 2020 virtual presentation: https://vimeo.com/432843467
ACS Smoking Cessation Resources. Multiple studies confirm smoking increases the incidence of pulmonary complications after an anesthetic as much as six times. Smoking has been shown to be an independent risk factor for complications ranging from complications of lung function to wound healing to cardiovascular events such as heart attack. https://www.facs.org/quality-programs/strong-for-surgery/clinicians/smoking/