OPEN is looking for interested surgical care team members and patients to participate in an expert-led interview to inform care and resources for patients with preoperative opioid use!
OPEN is looking for interested surgical care team members and patients to participate in an expert-led interview to inform care and resources for patients with preoperative opioid use! Learn more about our project here. Please contact with questions.
Incentivized Provider interviews
Participate in a 45-minute zoom interview to help us better understand barriers and facilitators to pain management and opioid prescribing for patients with opioid tolerance.
Eligible staff include Surgeons, Residents, Anesthesiologists, PCPs, Pain Medicine, APPs, and Surgical Staff
$200 incentive
Complete the interest form and a member of our team will contact you!
Incentivized Patient Interviews
Refer patients via in office-flyers to aid in recruitment. The goal is to better understand the experiences, perceptions, and needs around pain management for surgical patients with opioid tolerance.
Complete the interest form to receive more information.